Sponsor Benefits
Super laser-targeted marketing!
Hit the mark with marketers every time. Become an AMA Iowa sponsor and reach Iowa’s top marketers at our popular events and in our communications. As the essential community for marketers, we can help you build affinity with:
- Corporate marketing pros
- Marketing agency pros
- Small business owners
- Marketing students
Our sponsors make our events possible with:
- Cash
- In-kind services
- Swag and giveaways
In return, we thank our sponsors with a long list of benefits (see below). You’ll also have the satisfaction of knowing you are supporting the marketing profession and the top-ranked AMA chapter. AMA Iowa has received recognition in the Chapter Excellence Awards (CEA) for eight years in a row, most recently as the Gold Chapter of the Year.
Interested in learning more about becoming a sponsor? View our sponsorship brochure or contact us to learn more.
Annual Platinum Sponsorship $6,000+
- Logo and link to your website on AMAIowa.com platinum sponsorship page.
- On-screen logo and verbal recognition at monthly luncheons, annual events and workshops.
- Opportunity to address meeting attendees at one luncheon or workshop.
- Recognition as an annual sponsor in all communications distributed to chapter members, including e-newsletters, postcard invitations, emails, etc.)
- In rotation for free banner advertising on the AMAIowa.com job board.
- Quarterly tweet mentions from the AMA Iowa Twitter account with a link to your website.
- Two guest blog posts per chapter year on AMAIowa.com. (Subject to editing.)
- Two Facebook posts about your organization or an event with a link to your website.
- Four complimentary guest passes to be used at the luncheon(s) or workshop(s) of your choice.
- Two reserved seats at the speaker table for the luncheon of your choice.
- Opportunity to distribute information at each seat or table prior to events.
- Opportunity to sponsor raffle items for attendees at events.
- Opportunity to provide branded swag to all new and renewing members.
Annual Gold Sponsorship $4,000 - $5,999
- Logo and link to your website on AMAIowa.com gold sponsorship page.
- On-screen logo at monthly luncheons, annual events and workshops.
- Annual sponsor mention in e-newsletter.
- Two tweet mentions from the AMA Iowa Twitter account with a link to your website.
- One guest blog post per chapter year on AMAIowa.com. (Subject to editing.)
- One Facebook post about your organization or an event with a link to your website.
- Two complimentary guest passes to be used at the luncheon(s) or workshop(s) of your choice.
- One reserved seat at the speaker table for the luncheon of your choice.
- Opportunity to distribute information at each seat or table prior to events.
- Opportunity to sponsor raffle items for attendees at events.
- Opportunity to provide branded swag to all new and renewing members.
Annual Silver Sponsorship $2,000 - $3,999
- Logo and link to your website on AMAIowa.com silver sponsorship page.
- On-screen logo at monthly luncheons, annual events and workshops.
- One tweet mention from the AMA Iowa Twitter account with a link to your website.
- One guest blog post per chapter year on AMAIowa.com. (Subject to editing.)
- One complimentary guest pass to be used at the luncheon or workshop of your choice.
- Opportunity to distribute information at each seat or table prior to one event.
- Opportunity to sponsor a raffle for attendees at one event.
Annual Bronze Sponsorship – $999 to $1,999
- Logo and link to your website on AMAIowa.com bronze sponsorship page.
- On-screen logo at monthly luncheons, annual events and workshops.
- One tweet mention from the AMA Iowa Twitter account with a link to your website.
- One complimentary guest pass to be used at the luncheon or workshop of your choice.
- Opportunity to distribute information at each seat or table prior to one event.
- Opportunity to sponsor a raffle for attendees at one event.
Annual AMA Partner Sponsorship – $250 to $999
- Logo and link to your website on AMAIowa.com partner sponsorship page.
- On-screen logo at monthly luncheons, annual events and workshops.
- One tweet mention from the AMA Iowa Twitter account with a link to your website.
- One discounted guest pass to be used at the luncheon or workshop of your choice.
- Opportunity to sponsor a raffle for attendees at one event.